Thank your parents for whatever they have done for you. Send thank you notes to them via Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter etc.
I have vowed that I will achieve everything that you have dreamt of me
I will achieve everything that you want
So that you will feel proud of me too
And you will be able to flaunt
Because of me my super parents
Thanks for your care and your loving ways
Can't live without both of you for days
Thanks for everything in life!
Mom and dad you are my reason to survive!
Mom and dad I know that world changes and all
And I know that friends leave and go
But the relation that I share with both of you
Will never ever change I know
Respect and love is all I have to give you in return
You have played your part so well
And now its certainly my turn
To keep both of you happy
So thanks a lot for everything!
Sometimes I become so busy in life that I do not have the time to express gratitude to you and dad. Sometimes I do not have the time to talk to you too. Mom that does not mean that I do not care for you and dad! Both of you stay in my heart forever and both have a special role in my life. Thank you so much Mom and Dad for always being there for me.
Nothing in the world can compare your love Mom and Dad. For me, both of you will always remain special. For me, both of you will remain my priority. I want to thank you for all the love and care, I know I can't do that in a lifetime, but still I just want to thank you for being there. Mom you are my God sent angel and Dad you are my strength in life. A loving thanks to both from my side.
My parents are my true strength in life
For the love in their eyes for me is so true
Its a relation that no one can ever understand
There is only purity in the heart and there is no pretend
A love, which hold no boundaries in time
A love, which is in all so prime
My parents are my life is all I can say
Thanks you so much for all the way!
You people are the best!
And I love you for the rest!
Of my life!
That comfort when I was low, always there to show. Through guidance and through love, I had a reason to glow. If I stand so tall in life, the reason is clear you know. Mom and dad I want to thank you both for always being there for me. For understanding me so well, for always being there in need. I love you both and there is no other like you both. You both are the best, thanks for being there.
All the compliments that I receive in my life
Are actually because of the two of you
I would not have been the same without both of you
Your support and your guidance have surely a played a loving role in my success
Your teachings and your preaching have helped me to be a better person
I just wish to say thanks to both of you my wonderful parents
Love that I will not ever be able to repay in life!
Life changes and you grow big. It is as you have lived in phases, but some things remain the same in life, that is true love for Mom and Dad. True love never changes and it remains the same. Mom and dad my respect for both of you is the same and I promise that I will love you both till the end of time. Thank you so much for being so kind and caring.
Mom and Dad nothing is more wonderful in life than being with you. I do not remember how many times I have troubled both of you. But, your love never changed for me. I can still see the same care and longing in your eyes Mom, and Dad I can still see the same concern in your eyes for me. If I have to take a rebirth ever in life, I would want the same parents. You both are simply great and I think I am the luckiest one to have such wonderful parents like you. A simple thanks from my side for Mom and Dad..Thank you!
The things that you do for me, always there when I need you The love that you have for me, I can feel it immensely. I forever am in debt to love that both of you have given me. Today, I simply want to thank you for everything that you do for me. No, it's not a special occasion, It's just something I wanted to tell you guys from my heart. You both are so wonderful as parents, it was this way from the start. So thank you so much my loving Mom and Dad. Both of you are just amazing in life!
I know that I have grown up to be so wise and good, because I have the best parents. Both of you have guided me so much in life. Both of you have always motivated me to find my own way. I just have one word to say and that is thanks. My life would not be the same without both of you, thank you so much my Mom and Dad.
My parents are the best and I would like the world to know
Both of you can be protective at times
And both of you can also show
But I know that there is care in your way
Whether or not you wish to say
Parents like you are like gems in life
You always shine and give me my light
Never ever let me cry
And encourage me to always try
I love you both very much
Just want to say that thank you so much!
So many moments that you sacrificed in life just to make me happy
For the moment to put a wonderful smile on my face
Parents like you are hard to find, the sanctity and love that I have with you
There is an emotional bonding so true
People who say, say it right
That the connection that you share with your parents
Is truly a bliss and it is so true
Thanks for being such wonderful parents
No one is like the two of you
Full of love in life!
You two have gone through a lot of things in life. The two of you have sacrificed a lot to raise me. I do not know, will I able to lead a life like you Mom and Dad. But, surely I have imbibed the same values and discipline from both of you. I just want to thank you for showing me the way and the care. It's my promise that I won't ever forget what you did for me. Mom and Dad today, I want to simply thank you for being there along with me. A simple thanks from my side.
I have seen you both sacrifice for small things in life. I have seen your efforts to raise me right. I have seen the pain behind that constant smile. You people are adorable and I want to thank you from my heart. Thank you so much for always being there for me. You people are like my lifeline. Thanks so much Mom and Dad.
Mom and dad, life is so tough but with good people like both of you, I have had the best memories. You have always taught about me first, you made me your priority in life. Thanks for all the wonderful care and love that you people gave me. Thanks you so much Mom and Dad, you both are special for me.
I have had the best things in my life. The best childhood experiences, the best guidance and best support. Thank you for being the best in my life and giving me the best of every kind. I just want to thank you mom for making me a better person in life and dad for always being there besides. Life would be tough without you a very big thank you.
So many years have passed by, but both of you are still the same. The care and concern that I see in your eyes, whenever someone takes my name! I am the luckiest child I think because I have such wonderful parents like you. Just want to tell you a heartfelt thank you for always being there. A heartfelt thanks from my side for showing that you always care. I am thankful to God as I have such lovely parents. Yes, both of you are wonderful and I am really proud to have you both in my life, thanks!