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Broken heart valentine poems
Valentine's Day
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It's so tough to sought the time
It's tough to sought the time
When there is no one around
No passion or love in the air
Not a comfort to surround
Yes love hurts and I have taken it all
But I had the glory to stand tall
Love hurts and I had to pay the price
It has made me a lot more wise
Nursing a broken heart is not an easy job
So many tears down I had to stop
A broken heart that is my life
Had enough of this strive
Happy Valentine's Day!
A day when love to me is deprived!
You killed my dreams in life
You killed many dreams of love
You ruined my chance to be with you
I had a feeling so pure for you
It was true love that I want you to know
You had no reasons enough to show
You had no words to express it through
Why you left me and simply went
Our ways will never ever mend
It is all lost and love unknown
Please stay away from my heart
Now that we are so apart
On this day of love
Wish you Valentine's Day!
I always loved you my love
I always loved you from the start
I gave you my all even my heart
Then why you left me this way
That I do not have a word to say
If you did not loved me
Then why did you ever say
That I played an important part
In your life that way
Feeling sad in love and life
I gave my all in deprive
Feeling lonely on this lovely day
Today is Valentine's Day
Happy Valentines' day to all!
I am not sure of this
I am not sure when I say that
There is no meaning of love in life
I have suffered so much in love
Because of the word in strive
I may not be the same again
As I don't know how to pretend
But you broke my heart really bad
Left with the state of sad
A time that will not heal so soon
A time that I would like to say
Its tough staying in love this way
Happy Valentine's Day!
I cannot see the pain
I can't see the pain in your eyes
Yes I am being a more wise
After what you did to me
I had no guts to come and see
But my love for you is so deep
That even in spite of all the weep
I am wishing you on this day
A day when love wins all the way
but I have a grudge in my heart
And that I wish I had you with me
On this day of love you would see
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
The day is gone you know my love
The day is gone with looking for you
I wish that I had you in few
I wish that we never had parted our way
I wish that we could just have our say
But, things went other way round
And I had nothing to just bound
Helpless I feel without your love my dear
You were my life's only cheer
Please come back as I am still waiting for you
And my heart still years for you
Wishing a happy Valentine's Day to you!
A day when two lovers meet
A day when two lovers meet
They exchange gifts and greet
Make a promise to stay together
Make a promise to stay forever
But my love story was not the same
I do not want to put a blame
But I lost all before it could start
You are no more a special part
I have lost all in the whale of time
You are not there for me anymore
You are not there in chime
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Broken ties to see in all and me
Broken ties and a broken heart
I should have known from the start
You broke my trust long a ago
Before I wanted to just know
Broken dreams there are many to stay
When you know there is no way
You made me cry and messed my life
I don't have a reason to survive
Love lost and things have changed
Everything is bared and estranged
I do not believe in love anymore
Wishing a Valentine's Day to the world!
Do you remember the time we had
Remember me when I go from here
You will then have no real fear
You took me for a case and cheated on me
It's not who I wanted to see
I do not respect the word love anymore
My heart is just a reflection of no more
Things have surely changed with time
This was to happen or destined
But, I still feel the pinch and pain
Left with only no real gain
Love last and feeling so sad
Wishing you a happy Valentine's Day!
Feeling all alone in love
Feeling alone as the falling leaf
When I know that I have the grief
The sadness has engulfed my heart
It was not the same from start
You were nice and we were happy
We were so perfect as we could be
Then what happened and we fell apart
And the way you also broke my heart
Can't think of anything now
Just no reasons and just no logic
Waiting for things to change around
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Goodbye is never perfect
Goodbye is perfect when you know
That someone does not love you any more
We had a good time I know
Our relation was for everyone to see
But things changed rather fast
Love just went away and made it last
Now I don't have any hopes from love
You left me long back
A day of love for those who believe in it
I have lost my track
Lost my love in the whale of time
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
I broke my heart for you
I broke my heart knowing you
I broke my heart getting close to you
I really did not know that it would change
Things that get in estrange
Things that change with time
I always knew that there was something
I did not really need to hide
So broken is my heart today
So broken I would say
Today on this Valentine's Day!
I don't know why I loved you
I don't know why I loved you so much
I don't know why I gave you my all
I don't want to see your face again
But then I feel that something is missing
Missing from the things to see
If love hurts so much in life
Then I won't love anyone in my life
You have given me pain for life
You have broken my heart into pieces
Of many things that I have been deprived
I won't love anyone for life
Happy valentine's day to you!
I feel sorry today
I feel sorry for myself
As I loved someone not worthy of me
You made a mockery of my love
A thing that I did not wish to see
Love is a pure emotion
You played it from the start
There are no feelings left for you
I feel pity from my heart
That I loved a person so like you
Who gave me a reason to be all alone
Feeling heartbroken on this day
As today is Valentine's Day,
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
I gave you so much my love
I gave you so much my love
I gave you my time and my life
I gave you whatever you needed
I helped you through your strive
I gave you all I ever had in life
So what is remaining tell me
Was my love not perfect to see
I loved you from the bottom of my heart
But you did tear all apart
Nothing so worth living without you
I do not know what will I do
Without you in my life my love
Because I am still in love with you
Happy valentine's day to you
I knew that love hurts in life
I knew that love hurts so much
I also had that blind trust
I did everything to prove my love
I gave you my all that I could
Then why you left me and broke my heart
My world just got shattered apart
If you did not loved me you could have told me
I would not have to bear this brunt of pain
All I do is crying
The tears of vain falling in love with you
I still love you
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
I still feel the pain
I still feel the pain you have given me
Treating me as you wanted to be
You made me sad and made my cry
And you didn't bother to try
Nurse my broken heart after that
Left me in state of sad
I will not be able to love again
I will not be able to express what I feel
I wish this was not real and reel
So that it did not bother my broken heart
So lost in love in life,
Happy Valentine's Day to all!
I still remember your pure touch
I still remember you so much
I still remember your touch
Remember the times that we spent
Remember the cute moments
Remember the love in your eyes
Which made me a tad more wise
I remember all the good times
That I had with you a while
Remember the love I know
The love that I could not show
Because my heart is broken
Yes it's broken to the core
My love is the same..Only you are not there
Happy Valentine's Day to you!
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