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Be kind and speak your heart every time...don't keep regrets and grudges over's not worth it.
Don't be afraid of trying even if you fail, it will be a good experience for you in life. So keep on trying and win in life.
Don't stop hoping in life because your hope will give you the will to strive and make you happy all the while.
Every person wants to wish big in life but it depends on your preparation..Are you prepared to win big, ask yourself?
Every problem in life is like the learning make you stronger than before...sharper than before.
Everything that starts has an end to it...don't stick to things that have no end..Life is all about moving on.
Get out of your comfort zone in life because great things will never come sitting in your comfort zone.
If you are born different..then why do you copy others in life. Be original and die original..#Fact of life.
If you don't see a light at the end of the tunnel...simply take a different way..That was never meant to be.
If you ever feel like giving up in life..Take a moment and think what made you hold on for so long in life.
If your actions inspire other people in life..then you are surely on the right path. Stick to what you are doing.
It does not matter how many times you fall in life...just see that you always get up great after that fall.
It's the matter of belief...if you truly believe in yourself then people will also believe in you.
Life is like a golden bling...just collect all the good memories and make your life shine your life!
Life is like a instead of getting scared of it...just scream and live with it..You will enjoy it.
Once you learn how to smile with sadness..Nothing else will matter in your life. Learn to be happy all the while.
One decision is enough to change your destiny next time you decide..Think good.
Past is must forget...present is here...try to live in the moment...future is uncertain...wait for it.