Sagittarius Man And Leo Woman


Are the Sagittarius man and Leo woman made for each other? Know about the love compatibility of Sagittarius man and Leo woman.

Sagittarius Man - Leo Woman Love Compatibility

An exciting relationship to be in, a Leo and Sagittarius pair is sure to attract fun and joy wherever they go. Both, the Leo woman and the Sagittarius man are enticing people and love to be showered with attention. They don't admire silently and neither do they like getting the same treatment. If you want to get in the good books of a Leo woman or a Sagittarius man, voice your compliments. Once you do that, half your battles with both individuals will be won.

This outward display of affection of a Sagittarius man and a Leo woman should not be misconstrued for their unemotional approach to life. These individuals are very sentimental too and if you mess with them in the wrong way, they are bound to come and get even with you. A Leo woman is smart and talented in many ways. She could be known as the jack of all trades but the master of none. However, do not underestimate her powers because she can take up a task and effortlessly finish it without complaining about it.

A Sagittarius man however, is the total opposite of his Leo woman. He is lazy, clumsy and prone to being a messy man. He will drop expensive vases, he will stain his tee-shirts with food and he would act like a complete baby when he needs some extra love and attention. Even though there is this side to his personality, there is also a wild side to him which calls on his primal flirtatious instincts and allows him to be the life of a party. A Sagittarius man has a pleasing personality and a charming face to go with it which makes it possible for people to remember him even if their meetings happened months ago.

It wouldn't be wrong to assume that a Sagittarius man and a Leo woman may happen to meet at a party. They are both wild people who love to have a good time and with their zest for life and everything that comes with it, they know how to make good use of it. Once introduced, the couple will find themselves to be instantly attracted to the other. Though both of them will play the game of 'calling first', it will be the Sagittarius man who will take the step. He will approach the Leo woman and she will take the opportunity without keeping him waiting for long.

Perhaps the only aspect where this relationship can trigger trouble for the Sagittarius man and the Leo woman is the egos that come to clash. This relationship has bucket loads of ego mixed in it and if the two individuals involved do not take the effort to change that in a better way, they will not be able to have as much fun as they would otherwise. This couple will be bright and shiny, like a button and will be a pleasure to be with. They will make for an excellent pair and will live together for a long time!


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