Scorpio Man And Sagittarius Woman


Are the Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman made for each other? Know about the love compatibility of Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman.

Scorpio Man - Sagittarius Woman Love Compatibility

Scorpio as well as Sagittarius individuals are dominant in nature and have a strong say about everything under the sun. Though both of them are possessive, a Scorpio man has the ability to take his obsession to another level while a Sagittarius woman knows how to control her emotions. The two of them can come together to make a charming couple but they may have to do a little homework before taking the plunge and committing to each other for life. Since the two signs are both very strong and powerful on an emotional level, you will not see an outburst of emotion from either of them.

This quality of the couple may be responsible for the rift in their relationship or can be a source of contention for both of them. If both the individuals don't feel comfortable in expressing their emotions, no one will find the need to expect otherwise. However, if a Scorpio man keeps some expectations from his Sagittarius woman, he may be slightly disappointed.

The Scorpio man is almost a closed book that is pretty hard to read but over the years, it will be far more easier for the Sagittarius woman to predict her man's behavior. It will be a skill that she will acquire with time and as their relationship progresses; she will be able to make it work better for both of them. As ruthless with honesty as she is, the Sagittarius woman will love her partner to the core and will stay loyal to him in the face of most adversities. Though the Scorpio man will enjoy this undivided attention and will admire the sincerity his partner will display, situations will become inconsistent if the Scorpio man feels his loyalty is questioned.

While a Scorpio man likes his freedom, he does not like going out socially as much as his Sagittarius partner does. She can be the quintessential social butterfly and live life under constant glare and attention if need be. There may be tiffs in respect to this situation in the otherwise happy abode of the Scorpio man and the Sagittarius woman. He may want to stay back at home and enjoy the serenity while his partner may find the need to go out and relieve herself off the stress. However, if they can compromise a little and find a common ground to stand on, they will be happy together.

The Scorpio man will have an amazing time with the Sagittarius woman within the four walls of his bedroom because the direct approach to pleasure that his partner has can be a great turn on for him. He can be happy with that arrangement so long as he still believes he has the upper, controlling hand in this relationship. The Sagittarius woman may have to compromise beyond her abilities but then again, no relationship works if one partner isn't as forgiving as the other. Eventually, it depends on the degree of compromises a couple can make in order to keep their relationship afloat.


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