Find and share romantic love letters with your beloved. You can share/send them to your loved ones via Text/SMS, Email, Facebook, Whatsapp, IM or other social networking sites.
Hey Sweetheart, Your eyes told me a lot. They put me in a thought! They looked at me with love and there was nothing else I could see in then. They were clear and they were pure, I seen within u baby and all I could see is love. It was so easy to fall in love with you then. Nothing else matters to me anymore than your love. I will love you and I will trust you always. I want to tell you that I am really so proud of you, your humility and your attitude towards life. I don't want to be like you, because then that wouldn't be me- the person you love. I want to be myself and want you just the way you are in my life. Because together we complement each other. I love you. Your Life Partner.
Hey Sweet Thing, Even waiting for you feels special. With each passing second the excitement just keeps building up. As I am awaiting your coming, my mind is set on an expedition of your thoughts. I always find myself looking forward to spending time with you and the more time I spend with you, I find myself falling more in love with you. Your smiling face is something that I long to see. It can actually change rather transform my day even if it isn't go special. No wonder you have got me so insanely smitten by you. Only a fool could not fall in love with a person as perfect as you. Can't wait to see you, I love you! Your Baby.
The language of love that you understand is something that makes me smile. You look into my eyes and you know what I feel when you look at me you know what I want. When you are with me, you know that I need you to complete me my love in every which way. Whether it is the night or it is the day.. Just have something to say...I love you.
There are differences in me and you. But, when the love is true, nothing else matters in life. You are my key and I am your lock. You unlock my heart with your affection and love. Baby, I just want you to know that there is not a single moment in my life when I don't really miss you or I don't think about you. Yes it is true...that I so love you.
Your love is like a longing that I feel from my heart; you know that you are a special part. So much that I cannot stay without you. Your love is so special and your love is so true. Baby, do not change ever in life, do not be the person you are not. I will love you till the end of time and that is my promise from every thought. I am so lucky being with you, baby I am so in love with you. Baby I love you and I mean it through, nothing can change this love in life.
True love does not really require a reason. I have no reason to love you dear. I simply love you without reason. Actually, my love is the only reason why you play an important role in my life. I can't spend a single day without you. Just want to tell you from my heart and that I truly love you and that is true.
People say that finding true love is difficult but that is not true. I have found true love in you. I know that it is too early to say this, but you are like my soul mate. I can't just stay without your love and without talking to you. There is some kind of magic that you have which binds me in your love. Baby I love you so much is all I want to tell you. I am sure that we will stay forever in love and this magic will never fade in life. Baby I am in love with you.
Love is a feeling that I can feel being with you. I am drawn to your thoughts and love. I am drawn to everything that you do. There is some kind of passion that brings me closer to you. The way you talk to me and the way, you look at me. I can melt in your arms with your one glint. I can melt in your arms when you call my name. I can be yours forever if you tell me how much you love me. I can be yours forever in life to see. Baby its only you and know that I truly love you.
Lovely are the moments that I spend with you, lovely are my days being with you. I feel so free in your company, just like some passionate chase to be. I feel so free when you take me in your arms and I forget about the whole world around. It's your love and your feelings that surround that makes me who I am. Baby love me so much and love me true. Love me all I want to tell you, so that we create a wonderful story of our life. A life as loving as we two. I am in love with you.
Dear Cutie Pie, My eyes - waiting to see you; my lips - longing to kiss you, my arms - yearning to hug you, my hands - dying to caress you, my ears - craving to hear your voice; My mind - Thinking about you; my heart- can never stop loving you. I love you, Your Angel
What is love, I was unaware, until you came in my life. You taught me the meaning of love. You taught me to live for someone so that you feel special in love. You taught me that love is an emotion that is truly selfless in life. Baby, I love you and I know it for sure. My love for you is true and it is pure. I love you.
My heart beats only for you; my life revolves around your love. I want to tell you that I miss you so much. When you are not around me, when things are not as perfect as can be. Your love and that promise keep me going in life. Baby I want to tell you that I am not close to anyone except you. Your love is a reason why I smile; your love makes me happy all the while. My heart is yours forever and I want to tell you that this won't ever change in due.
My heart yearns for your love. My body for your gentle touch. The more I see you, the more I think about you. Your lovely smile makes my day. When you speak to me, I lose my say. I think I have fallen really hard for you. Baby! I would like you to know that I truly love you. It's not a single moment or day that I don't really think about you. Love you!
Aww! When I think about you my mind truly goes numb. There is something magical in your arms. Something magical in your voice. I just want to keep listening to you the whole day. Just want to hear you and have your say. Baby! I truly love you and can't really stay without you. Oh its really so true!
Hey Sexy, In life you come across different types of people - some who are bad beyond imagination, while others who are unbelievably wonderful. My dear Baby, you fell in the later part. I am not talking about the time I used to drool over your cute face and perfectly chiseled body frame *winks*, I'm pointing out to the time after we became friends or more than that you can say. Whether it was to be patient with me at the cost of swallowing my cruel one liners just becausecoz anger has possessed me; or whether it is about advising me about things that are good for me and watching my back no matter what; you have been the strongest support I have ever had. I can live without you, I will survive but Baby I don't want to just live I want to live my life being in love. I can do that only with you coz I could only fall in love with you. Thank you for putting your trust in me. I will never break the faith you have in me. I will always be there being your strongest support. From your favorite person in this world.
Love starts with one sight; it's then about sweet nothings. Love is sheer bliss with that feeling of first kiss. Someone becomes a part of your life, a very important role to strive. Someone you love so truly, that person also touches your soul, becomes the most important role. It's you my love and I mean it. I so love you.
You love once in life and that is so true, since the time I met you you have been there on my mind. You are my life and shall be that way. I just have one thing to say that I love you loads in life. One love and one life and my life is only for you. I love you for what you are and my love is not far. I love you!
My only focus of life is you, your pretty eyes I want to look all day. Your lovely lips. I want to feel them today. The way you speak, mesmerizes me in every way, the way you look, steals my heart for sure. Baby! I truly love you so much. I just long for your lovely touch. I need you in my life without you I won't survive!