Morning Brings Hope
A day, however good or bad, has gone by,
Now it is the time to look at the bright blue sky.
The sea that gleams with the light of the shining sun,
and birds that chirp with pride, ask us to join in the fun.
Morning is a God's way of reminding all of us,
That love and hope still exists in the world.
Good morning dear. Have a lovely day!
Other Popular Good Morning Poems
Another day has come
Another day has come,
With giving you a new hope,
Another day has come,
With giving you a new scope,
Plan ahead and make your day,
Get going to have your say,
This day will be good for you,
Is my only prayer,
Good morning!
Rise and Shine
The lovely cuckoo sings the most beautiful song,
Waking up for its voice is where I always belong.
My day does not begin without walking past the grass,
That smell so nice and feel so soft.
Mornings are the best part of the day,
When your mind and body are the freshest to play.
The Big Bright Sun Shines
The big bright sun shines through the grey clouds,
It makes me so happy that I wanna sing & shout.
The birds in the sky grant a sweet melody to my ears,
They make me forget all my problems and fears.
May this morning bring happiness to you as well,
May good news come to you today ringing your door bell.
Good morning!
It is truly special
Mornings are special,
As they bring in a new cheer in life,
Every which way and every strive,
Mornings are just perfect way
To do what you wish for or say
Mornings give a new cheer
So that you feel good oh dear
So embrace this morning with a smile
All the day and while
Have a lovely day!
Good morning!
It's time for cheer
Morning is the time to cheer,
Oh my lovely, oh my dear,
So I want you to smile a lot,
With cheering with positive thought,
Coz your day will be awesome,
So, be ready for some fun,
Have a nice day,
Wish you a lovely morning for today!
New dreams
New day gives birth to new dreams,
A new day brings lots of new expectations,
I also wish the same for you,
I also want that you get everything new,
A very good morning to you my dear,
A lovely morning to you!
Something to cheer
The morning brings in something to cheer,
So, get up you sleepy head oh! my dear,
Drink that sip of tea to rise,
This day you will get all wise,
Because you know that everything is new,
So, don't feel all blue,
Make your mark on this new day,
Wish you a lovely morning for today,
Have a nice day!