
A Special Morning

Wake up to the pleasant day so bright,
Hope your day goes great and everything is just right,
The morning brings in new hopes each day,
It has a special way today,
That what has gone will never return,
The day is yours,it's a new turn,
Good morning!

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Wake Up On Your Toes

Morning bells are ringing,
Have you heard it yet? Come on stop lazing,
And,get down from the bed,
A new day awaits you,
With opportunities so new,
So start your day with a morning pray,
To have a bright and cheerful day! Good morning!

Its a bright and a sunny day

It is a bright and sunny morning today
Feel that energy in the day
Look beyond the things you want
All the wishes you need to flaunt
Take this as a new day in life
Where you would smile all through the strive
Thank the God for this wonderful life
And all the gifts that you get
Morning is the time to reflect on
All the things that you want
Spread the message of love early this day
It is a super morning today
Wish you good morning!

It is so special

Mornings are special with your smile
Early in the day and the while
The brightness of the day which sparks up your face
Gets to another lovely grace
Morning is the time so well
When all the worries get so dwell
Morning is a special time
With all the glory and all the brim
Have a lovely day!
Good morning for today!

Its morning time

Knock Knock,
Did you get up from your sleep?
Sure, your sleep must be deep,
But, its morning time,
The time to cheer,
It is the start of another day,
So, in a very beautiful way,
Let me wish you a lovely morning,
Start your day with a new might,
And, things will just be all right,
Have a lovely day ahead,
Good morning!

A New Day is Here

Look, the sun is up,
With the clear blue sky,
Smile because it's a new day,
As all the wishes in the mind you lay,
Don't think about yesterday,
its gone,
Think about today, because its today that matters,
Have a wonderful start this morning,
A very pleasant good morning!

Dew-kissed Morning

A bright morning is always a blessing,
It can be sunny or can be cloudy,
But,it stands for new hopes each day,
Where you can do so much and have your say,
So wish you a wonderful morning so new,
Just like the fresh morning dew!

The sun that shines

The radiance of the sun,
The spark of this day so new,
Wish I could feel this way all through,
Because everything looks true,
The day is so good today,
Wish it stays this way,
Wish you a lovely morning my dear,
Smile and also spread that cheer!
Good morning!