New Beginning
New day brings in new hopes,
New day brings in new scopes,
You can do what you wished for with a fresh mind,
May you get everything you wish to find,
It's a new day to spread the joy,
Wish you a bright and sunny good morning!
Other Popular Good Morning Poems
The sun that shines
The shine that sparkles up the sky,
The beautiful birds flying high,
You know for sure that morning is here,
And you know that it is so bright,
So, open your wings for another day,
Let go of the fright,
Live this day with all your might,
Coz pretty looks every sight,
A very good morning to you!
Feel good and new!
Early Morning Sights
The lovely yellowish orange form of the early morning sun,
Signifies a lovely day that has just begun.
Take in the sounds of little birds chirping,
Which can only be heard when the world is resting.
Not too crowded, yet not deserted.
The roads are a sight of a busy city that is converted.
Have a Pleasant Day!
Welcome the Rays!
A new sunrise and a new day,
Get up from your bed,
Do what you feel and have your say,
Forget what happened tomorrow,
That was your past,
A new day has a new story and cast,
My lovely morning wishes to you,
May you stay blessed with this day so new!
Its morning time
Knock Knock,
Did you get up from your sleep?
Sure, your sleep must be deep,
But, its morning time,
The time to cheer,
It is the start of another day,
So, in a very beautiful way,
Let me wish you a lovely morning,
Start your day with a new might,
And, things will just be all right,
Have a lovely day ahead,
Good morning!
Each morning is new
Every morning brings in new energy for the day,
To get more smiles for the day,
Mornings are a lot about to cheer,
So, let go of that unknown fear,
Embrace the day with a smile on your face,
Accept everything with a grace,
Have a lovely morning,
Good morning!
It's a new journey
Morning is like a journey,
That takes you far and how,
You have many options on your way,
Through happiness and the day,
Explore the best you desire,
And reach for that star and higher,
Wish you a lovely morning!
Have a great day!
Another day has come
Another day has come,
With giving you a new hope,
Another day has come,
With giving you a new scope,
Plan ahead and make your day,
Get going to have your say,
This day will be good for you,
Is my only prayer,
Good morning!