
The Morning Nature

Let your face be touched by the sun,
With your hair, let the breeze play the fun.
Start your day with a clear mind,
Focus on being joyful all the time.

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It is so special

Mornings are special with your smile
Early in the day and the while
The brightness of the day which sparks up your face
Gets to another lovely grace
Morning is the time so well
When all the worries get so dwell
Morning is a special time
With all the glory and all the brim
Have a lovely day!
Good morning for today!

Good Morning Friend

Good morning to you my friend,
May delight be yours without an end.
May all your desires come true,
May you never find yourself blue.

The day is so bright

The day is so bright and lovely
Smile and embrace this new day
New things and new aspirations
To make a new way
Morning is a time that sparks up a cheer
Wishing you an early morning my dear
Have an awesome day ahead
With a lovely smile of yours and set,
Good morning!

First ray of hope

The first thing in the morning,
Is that you look in the mirror and smile,
It will brighten up your day,
To make a path of cheerful way,
As you hold the cup of tea,
There are many things to see,
So, get all charged up for this super day,
As the vivid morning is here today,
Good morning!

Get up and look outside the window

Get up and look outside the window,
Such a beautiful morning it is,
Feel the lovely breeze on the face,
Feel the hue and fizz,
Good morning as I wish you today my dear,
To start your day with a brightest cheer,
Good morning!

May You Wake Up

May you wake up to the sweet sound of the chirping birds,
May the morning sweet and fresh breeze hit your ears.
May you have someone you love, serve you morning tea.
May dreams come true,
and may nightmares stay under the bed sheet underneath!

Feel the Freshness

Good morning my dear,
Have no stress or fear,
Look outside the window,
To feel the fresh air,
Start your day on a bright note,
With a peaceful morning prayer,
May you have a great day,
A very pleasant good morning for today!