
Be thankful to the morning,
And every day so new,
You may not have a clue,
But it gives you each day,
A beginning so new,
A very good morning to you,
Have a nice day!

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Yesterday, today and tomorrow are all a chain of achievements for a hard working person like you. May you get all that you work for and aspire for. Good Morning and have an awesome day ahead.

Ah, it is such a pretty day
Look out from your window today
Feel the fresh air and be all
Good in whatever you do
This day will be bright and
This day will be wonderful for you
Good Morning and have a lovely day
May God bless you!

Wandering around the wind just found a person so fit but sleeping tight. Want to know who is the one? It is you my dear lazy bum. Now please make a move and get up. Good Morning and have a moving grooving day ahead.

Because it will only make you look better in life,
Because by smiling it will be easier to strive,
Keep smiling! And have a good morning!

Nothing remains in life forever,
Forever is a lie,
But, the thing that remains with time,
Is the beautiful smile,
So keep smiling!
Good Morning!

Morning tip: There cannot be a better exercise in the morning then starting off with a big broad smile. Good morning to you.

Have I ever told you that
The sun shines only for you
Have I ever told you that
Birds chirp with that lovely sound
Have I ever told you that the
Morning sunlight
Brings a better day in life
So embrace this morning
With a lovely smile
Good Morning to you!