Need some funny Birthday greeting messages to make one laugh, find them right here. Share Funny Birthday greetings message with your friends via Text/SMS, email, Facebook,Whatsapp, IM, etc.
Please do get a new hair cut my dear
Please get a new makeover for yourself
Otherwise people will not recognize you
In your own party today
Hope you have a loving day
Common I was just joking with you
Wishing you a very happy birthday
God bless you!
I promise to keep your age a secret, if you promise to share your cake with me. Consider it a deal. And yes, mention not! Happy Birthday. Xoxo
Happy Birthday oldie! At your age, birthday cakes are not good for you. You may just end up gaining some harmful extra pounds. So why don't you share it with me? Er, no need to thank me! What are friends for! Xoxoxoxox
It is a proven fact you know
That the more birthdays you celebrate
The more cakes you cut and late
Will take you a step closer to your death date
Got scared...wish you an amazing birthday!
Have a super day!
Hey, I didn't eat your birthday cake. It is just that birthday cakes come in wacky shapes these days! Happy Birthday to my dearest friend. I love you so so much! Lots of hugs and kisses.
I wish I could tell you, you are special for me
Wish I could tell you that you are loving
But the reality is surely not the same
You are so irritating and silly
Haha, I am just kidding with you
May you have a happy day in through
Wishing a very happy birthday to you!
Even before the sun rises or the before the cock does the first crow, I want to be the first one to wish you a very Happy and Joyful Birthday. May your happy days be outnumbered.
Welcome your day with a huge wrinkle on your face
And some gray hair to add to the grace
Some hearing problems as well
And in the past you shall dwell
Ok don't mind ya..It's your birthday
Have a awesome and lovely day!
In the air and everywhere
Touch the horizon of your dream,
Go to your terrace and then scream,
That its your birthday today,
Its a special day!
So, make the most of it today!
Wish you an amazing birthday!
Stay blessed in life!
People say in life you just need pure love
So, here is my pure wish for you
No gift is bigger than my love
As this is only better for you
Lol..Wish you an amazing day!
God bless you and happy birthday!
You look so old with your age,
And today on your another birthday
You will require lots of makeup
To hide those flaws on your face
But still you have that grace,
So have a good smile for today!
Wish you a happy birthday!
As you grow older you notice that the candles are increasing, but the cake is still the same! Wise idea: Damn the candles. Use the money to buy a bigger cake! Many Happy Returns of the day! Xoxo
How many times you have celebrated your birthday?
How many times you have lied about your age
Common that is not the real you
Get going and come all through
This is the season to feel new
Have an amazing day
Wish you a very happy birthday!
Old is always the gold
So don't frown as you are aging
Hope that you will turn all so wise
Hope that you will suffice
So many things in this life
Happy birthday!
Have a blessed day!
Happy birthday to my cutie pie and sweet pie
Today look at the sky,
And see the brightness for the day
Oh my cup cake love you so much
I want you to enjoy your day!
Have a super fun birthday!
Happy birthday!
Don't look into the mirror today,
As you may also get a tad scared
Your face is showing some aging signs
Aww! Don't feel that bad
As I was just kidding my dear,
Happy birthday to you!
Do spread lots of cheer!
Dance all night and have some fun
Play the music and do something
That you have never done before in life
Dance along and have some fun to
As you want it to strive
It is an amazing day today,
Wishing you a very happy birthday
Have an amazing day!
Every year when I see your funny face
I just want to laugh aloud
But some things happen and I know
That I really can feel and show
Haha..Wishing you a happy birthday
Have the most amazing day!