Searching messages to wish good night to your loved ones? Then have a look at these good night messages and read . You can share/send these messages to your friends via Text/SMS, Email, Facebook, Whatsapp, IM or other social networking sites.
Look at the beautiful skyline
Look there is warmth in the air
Look there is silence all around
It's a wonderful feeling that surround
May this night be all good for you
You will so awesome and wonderful too
See wonderful dreams tonight
Wishing you a wonderful Good night!
The night time is the time,
To sleep with all your heart,
Forever the things in your mind,
And kind of unwind,
Give in to the night,
You will feel alright,
Wishing you a lovely night!
A new beginning awaits you as the night has come
Embrace it and sleep like a baby,
Close your eyes and forget everything
As it's the end of another day,
For a new dawn
Good night my dear!
Go to sleep and close your eyes,
Its the time to forget everything on your mind
A time to be a little wise
Night is the time to cease,
All your worries and sleep in bliss!
Good night!
with your eyes going sleepy, close your books, shut down your computer and walk towards your bed. Wishing you a very Good Night and sugar coated dreams.
Stars all over are twinkling bright,
The moon with its radiant glow,
Sleep in peace as you close your eyes,
Thinking about tomorrow being wise,
Embrace yourself to this lovely night,
Good night and sleep tight!
Try to end your day with positive thoughts,
For if you sleep with positive thoughts,
Your morning will be beautiful,
So smile as you sleep tonight,
Good night!
The moon and its bright shine
There is silence all around
You can see things that long
Of things, you just want to see
Of things that matter to you
Go along the flow of life
You will have a reason to smile
Today is that very while
So have a lovely night
Wishing you Good night!
Ah! There is so much peace in the air,
There is so much to explore
Feel the radiance Of the moon
Just open your window
And feel the lovely night
Wish you a good night!
This is what has always been the essence of life - disappointment comes before hope, hurt comes before love and dark comes before brightness to make us realize how important their presence is. Have a very Good Night and sugary sweet dreams.
Night is the time when you can think so much,
About all the past and the future touch,
It's the time to connect with yourself,
It's the time when you can just be yourself,
Night is a lovely time
Wishing you good night!
Since the owls have taken over the world to guard, and vampires to look after all of us, take a break from worldly ventures and hit your bed. Have a happy happy night and sweet sweet dreams.
I have come to hug you tight,
I have come to end your fright,
I will always make you happy,
I am smile,
So keep smiling!
Good Night!
Smile helps you to forget the sorrow,
It helps to build a better tomorrow,
Smile because you are wonderful,
Just keep smiling!
Good Night
Each night I wish that you are safe at your home. Each night I wish you are sound asleep. Because if I know that ghosts like you are wandering around, I can never sleep. So for the sake of humanity, have a good night sleep.
Whole world has slept in the blanket of night,
But, I am wishing you with my might,
Because I know that you are so sweet,
So want to lovingly greet,
Wish you a lovely night,
Do sleep tight!
Its best to let go of things
That hold no importance in life
It is best to let go of all the thoughts
That have truly made you deprived
Today is gone so let it go
Start your day with a better tomorrow
Where there will be happiness and no sorrow
Good night wishes to you ..Sleep well!
Never walk a lane, that has a foot mark on it. Never work for a goal, that has an end. Never sleep, but dream.