Searching messages to wish good night to your loved ones? Then have a look at these good night messages and read . You can share/send these messages to your friends via Text/SMS, Email, Facebook, Whatsapp, IM or other social networking sites.
Go to sleep and close your eyes,
Its the time to forget everything on your mind
A time to be a little wise
Night is the time to cease,
All your worries and sleep in bliss!
Good night!
Time is calling,
Calling you to sleep,
So get into your bed,
And drift into your dreams.
Good night!
After a day so exhausting and life so rewarding let us take a break from all the business and have a sweet, sound yet tight sleep. Good Night and have sweet dreams.
As sweet as you really are,
As sweet as your smile,
Just wanted to wish you a lovely night,
Because I really care for you,
Because I want best for you,
So, wish you a good night,
Sleep tight!
The night is a pleasant dream,
It's a silent thought,
It's the time when you think about life,
Things that need to be sought!
So do have a lovely night
As I wish you good night!
Ah! There is so much peace in the air,
There is so much to explore
Feel the radiance Of the moon
Just open your window
And feel the lovely night
Wish you a good night!
Lets not regret what you could not do today,
With lots of hopes and desires plan your tomorrow,
But for now just close your eyes, remember God, and have a Good Night. Sweet dreams
May the dark winds be the soothing breeze that pampers you. May the shiny sky form a blanket of warmth on you. May you have the sweetest dreams, and all your dreams come true. Good night.
Night is the best time for a lazy person like you. Enjoy sleeping and have a good sound sleep. Good Night and sweet dreams.
Never walk a lane, that has a foot mark on it. Never work for a goal, that has an end. Never sleep, but dream.
To a dreamer like you, night is the best time to explore your horizons to the zeniths. Have a Good Night and sweet dreams. Sleep tight.
Look at the beautiful skyline
Look there is warmth in the air
Look there is silence all around
It's a wonderful feeling that surround
May this night be all good for you
You will so awesome and wonderful too
See wonderful dreams tonight
Wishing you a wonderful Good night!
Surrender to the night so dark,
Close your eyes in peace,
All your stress and worries will cease,
As you wait for another dawn,
With new light and spark,
Sleep relaxed with a silent prayer,
Good night and sleep tight!
Smile helps you to forget the sorrow,
It helps to build a better tomorrow,
Smile because you are wonderful,
Just keep smiling!
Good Night
All you need to succeed with excellence. All you need for a great day. All you need for a better tomorrow, is a good sleep at night. A fresh mind, can conquer the world. I wish you a good night. Sleep well.
Touch your heart,
And take a deep breath,
Because night is finally here,
Because while sleeping,
You look endear,
Good night!