
Each morning God gives you too chances, you can either continue to dream by going back to sleep or wake up and make those dreams turn into reality. Good morning.

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A warm hug from me to you this morning to brighten up your day. Have a wonderful one. Good morning to you.

Your beautiful eyes are not meant for tears but your adorable lips are meant to smile. So keep smiling all day cause your smile surely does make everybody else's day. A very good morning to you.

Each day is an opportunity. Take it up and make this the best day of your life. Good morning to you my dear one.

Its time to wake up from your sleep
And ponder on thoughts so deep
Coz morning is just here to stay
So, go ahead and make your way!
Good morning!

Hey, look the morning is here,
Embrace it tight in your arms
Feel good this lovely day!
Good morning is what I wish to say!

The recipe of a perfect morning is the perfect coffee and the perfect breakfast. But it is still incomplete without wishing the most perfect person a good morning. Good morning to you!

Wake up Sunshine! Get ready to sparkle this day with your magnetic energy and optimism. Have a wonderful morning.