
Its that day

Its time to sip that coffee,
Time to think ahead
What will be your day like
Whatever seen and said
Be prepared to face everything,
Make your entire tensions sling,
Good morning to you!

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Its really pleasant

Mornings are really pleasant,
Cease all your worries in the day
Make the most of it today
Do what you feel like doing
Of whatever things you are seeing
Life will be good then
Early in the morning
Good morning!

So many dreams in life

So many dreams that you have seen in life
So many wishes and end to strive
Now is the time you go and fulfill
And know what's your role
You know what is right for you
And you know that you will get all new
It's the matter in which you see things
The matter that you have in your heart
To make that one right start
And to make things turn your way
Good morning my friend
Have a nice day!

Forget what you did in the past

Forget what you did yesterday,
There was a reason behind it
You do not have to think about it
As you will hold a grudge every bit
Forget about the bad times they were
Just to teach you a lesson in life
You just have to look ahead
In spite of all your troubles and strive
Forget about the pain in your eyes
That too make you a tad wise
Forget about the eventful past
All all the things that made you last
Look ahead as it's a new day
Have your strength and find your way
Good morning to you!

Smile this day

Forget the pain of yesterday
Because today is a new day
Smile and think ahead for the way
Have your way
And do whatever you say
Its a bright and sunny day
Good morning for today!

Things will change

Things will change if you want to
Life will change only for you
But have that will to do it
It will require your every bit
You will be able to do one day
So start your day with a super morning today
Have a good day!
Good morning!

Look outside

Good morning and look outside
There are new opportunities waiting for you,
Go and see the things so new
So blend that coffee stir it and brew
Because your day will be lovely too
May you get through,
In all your problems
Good morning to you!

Just another start of the day

It's just another start of the day
Just another start of the smile
If you think, you have that will
You will stay happy all the while
Happy with things that you do
Happy that you feel it's to do
All the things that make your mind
All the ways to unwind
Look at the bright side of the day
Then you will surely find your way
All the things that you want to
You will get all pass and through
Wishing a super good morning to you
For a day so new!