Maintain a book where you every day write one good thing that happened to you that day. Whenever you are down, read it! Good morning. Have a great day.
Other Popular Inspirational Good Morning Messages
Open your eyes and step into a brand new day that lies ahead of you. A brand new array of opportunities that dazzle your path this day awaits your coming. Have a good morning dear.
On this new day,
I would like to tell you,
That time heals everything,
That even a reason cannot,
So, start your day with a smile,
Good morning,
Walk that extra mile!
The sun is the crystal ball, the birds are singing the music. Today is a party, go out there and enjoy it. Good morning to you my dear.
Life is not short. It is just that often we tend to delay the time when we start living. Good morning, have a brilliant day.
Don't you ever say lies in life!
And please don't ever cheat,
And, don't ever make false claims,
That you won't be able to meet,
So, stay as you really are,
Good morning to you!
Look outside the window,
A lovely morning is here,
Go out there and have your say,
Go out there and find a way,
Coz today is a new day!
Good morning!
Mornings brings in a new cheer,
Keep smiling oh dear,
Mornings are for new hope,
Show the world your scope,
A very good morning to you!