
Attitude makes all the difference in life,
If you keep smiling,
Then people will talk to you,
If you keep crying,
Then they wouldn't,
So keep smiling!
Good Morning!

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Every day is a gift given by God. Make good use of it. Good morning to you. Spread joy around.

Perhaps rebirth may not be possible but another truth is that we all get numerous chances to make this one life meaningful and worth. Every day comes with many opportunities and chances. Let us make use of each and every day and the opportunity it comes with. Good Morning and God bless. Have a nice day ahead.

Every day is beautiful. Each day is special.
Each day is a gift of God,
and this is why we call it the 'present'.
Good Morning.

May you feel so good this time
As the pleasant and breezy morning time
With the chirping of the birds
With that clear blue sky
Morning energy looks so good
It is all in the whale of time
Wishing you a lovely morning
Wishing you good morning!

Open your eyes, look at the watch, have a view outside the window and thank God for another bright day to achieve those ends that were left unattained last day. Have a wonderful day ahead. Good Morning.

Good mornings are those, on which you open your eyes and realize you have more time to sleep. I wish you a very good morning.

There is something cool about the morning,
That infuses a new energy in you,
You forget about the night so dark and blue,
Mornings give a new hope to live life,
A new energy to strive,
Wish you a lovely morning!