You don't have many
You don't have many choices,
You don't have all the day
You have to make a start
You have to have a say
So today when you get up
Thinking about your day
You have to make it special
You have to work your way
Wishing you a super morning!
Have a nice day!
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Lovely morning
The lovely morning dew on the pretty flower,
The chirping of birds in the sky,
The sound of the wind so clear,
In the midst of clear blue sky,
Morning is so beautiful,
Mornings are so bright,
The sun shining to its glory,
With that first ray of light,
Have a lovely day,
As I wish you today,
A very good morning!
Welcome the Rays!
A new sunrise and a new day,
Get up from your bed,
Do what you feel and have your say,
Forget what happened tomorrow,
That was your past,
A new day has a new story and cast,
My lovely morning wishes to you,
May you stay blessed with this day so new!
Best time of the day
Mornings are the best time,
To forget things and move on,
Mornings just feel so good,
As its start of a new dawn,
Wish you a lovely morning and I will pray,
That you get everything you wish for today,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Have a great day!
The Big Bright Sun
I woke up in the morning with
the brightness of the sun on my face,
I glanced at my watch and to my bathroom
I did the race,
For mornings are meant to hurry,
mornings are meant to run,
They don't even grant you a moment
to sit back and admire the beautiful sun.
Don't let your morning be like this
try to make it a special one,
For not every morning will you get
a chance to wake up to the big bright sun.
Each morning is new
Every morning brings in new energy for the day,
To get more smiles for the day,
Mornings are a lot about to cheer,
So, let go of that unknown fear,
Embrace the day with a smile on your face,
Accept everything with a grace,
Have a lovely morning,
Good morning!
Its the time to make a start
It's the time to make a new start
It's the time to start afresh
For all the things you want to do
To reduce all your stress
Morning is a time to cheer
so mark the most of it my dear
Its the time to set all task
Setting in things and in the bask
Morning is the time to smile
In the day and while!
Good morning to you!
Sleeping In The Mornings
Catching up sleep during the sun's first rays,
Is a bliss that should not be missed in any ways.
Your bed is your best companion,
With sound sleep undisturbed by even the loudest canyon.
You wish you could sleep longer,
But unfortunately, you have a life that summons you stronger.
It is Morning!