Wake up, wake up,
As morning is here,
Get going as the day is about to begin,
So why don't you just sing,
Good morning,
Have a bright day!
Other Popular Cute Good Morning Messages
God has changed the umbrella from dark to light and full of light. Get up, brush your teeth, take a bath and get ready to hit the world with a new happy zeal. Good Morning and have a wonderful day ahead.
Rise and shine,
Because this day will bring you lots of luck,
It will bring you many more smiles,
All through the time and while,
Wish you a lovely morning!
A good morning message from a loved one didn't just randomly pop into your inbox. It means that you are remembered and very
lovely thought about first in the morning. Good morning to you.
A sweet morning wish is like you,
That makes me feel oh so new,
Early in the morning I was thinking about you,
So, here is wishing you,
Have a lovely morning!
I am thinking about you this morning,
May you have a good day,
Keep smiling my dear.
Is only I wish to say,
Good morning to you!
All the birds are up by now and all the people are already working then why are you still in bed? Start your day fast with a big smile. Good Morning and have a nice day.
Eenie, Minie, and Ponkie are waiting to hug you tight and wish you a great day ahead with lots of smiles, love, cheers and success. Good Morning cutie.