One thing I am so sure about
Is that you are never off my mind
My love for you is not casual
I think my love for you is blind
Coz you stay in my thoughts 24/7
There is nothing else to find
Good morning to you my boy
With you in life is my joy!
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Love has no meaning and it sees no time
When you know you feel that he is mine
I remember you in the night and in the day
I just want to let you know and say
That you are my love and you shall be
Early in the morning, I am missing you to thee
Good morning to you
Have a lovely day so new!
My life is a story book, where you are my hero and I am your princess. I love you. Good morning darling.
My life is incomplete without your love
And my days are not the same
My nights end with your thoughts
And my mornings start with your name
My meaning of life is you
My existence and my love too
My boy I truly love you
Good morning to you
Have a lovely day too!
It does not matter the day,
It does not matter the time,
I just feel happy every moment,
Because I know that you are mine,
Have a lovely morning my cutie pie,
Keep smiling!
Mornings are really special,
Because of a new day,
When I get to meet you
And confess it to you and say,
That I can't stay without you,
I love you!
Wish you good morning!
Good morning means not only a wish,
It's a reminder to tell you that,
I am so in love with you,
And I so think about you,
Have a great morning my dear,
Good morning!
Good morning is just another reason,
To wish you early this day,
My other intention is just to say,
That baby I so love you,
So, wish you good morning,
And, I pray you have a nice day!