
My heart is always with you
Early in the day when I look at you
You look so pretty oh my lovely
I feel like hugging you tight
When I see you early morning
I feel a different delight,
I love you so much
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning!

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The morning glory at its peak
Of all the things that make me speak
One is the pretty face of yours, which shine
A pretty smile which is all mine
Having you in my life is a pure bliss
Accept my morning wishes with a kiss
Good morning to you!

When there is darkness you hold my hand
When I am in stress, you make me understand
When I am lost, you show me the way
You are the light of my life's every way
So just want to wish you good morning for today
May you have a lovely day!

My lovely wife when I see your face
I see the lovely morning grace
I think that I am so lucky one
Coz I have you besides me
You are the reason why I smile
And nothing else left to see
I love you very much
Good morning to you
Have a lovely day too!

I choose happiness over sorrow
I choose smile over sadness
I choose to see your face early in the day
That is what helps me make my way
I choose to see your pretty face
I choose to see your wonderful grace
Good morning my heart
Have a lovely start!

My heart knew that you we are meant to be
And my mind has some different reasons to see
But the day you came in my life
You made it complete in every way
Early this morning my love
Just want to say
That you are the reason for my life
A very good morning to you!

Nothing is less than you my love
And nothing more I want to see
I just want to see you besides me
And give me that early morning glee
Coz you complete my day
Coz you have a wonderful stay in my life
Good morning to you
Have a lovely day!

When I see your face early in the morning
And I see your vibrant smile
I am sure that I will have a lovely day
For every moment and all the while
Coz you make my day complete
With your lovely smile
Good morning to you my love
Have a lovely day!