
Look the sun is shining so bright
A new day will make things all right
Hold no stress as it's a new day
You will see some awesome light
Just stay confident as you are
You will shine bright like the star
Wishing you a lovely morning!

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The most amazing part about mornings is, knowing that I have someone who is waiting for me to wake up. I am so happy that you are a part of my life. Good morning my dear.

Life is full of lovely things like the morning sun, the gleaming dew drops, the sparkling rain, the smell of fresh mud, the colorful rainbow, the vast blue sky, the music of chirping birds, the beauty of the sea and, not forgetting, wonderful people like you and me! Good morning. Have a nice day.

It all begins with a smile on your face
And it begins with your loving grace
The way you embrace the new day
And move ahead to have your say
So I wish that you have an amazing day
Start with the morning cheer today
Good morning to you!

Make today a day such that when you look back tomorrow you feel proud of yourself. Good morning my dear.

Never give up anything till the end. If you succeed then it would be a blessing and if not then it is just a start, so do not give up. Good Morning and have an awesome day ahead. God bless you.

May your morning be as sweet as the sugar!
As wonderful as the sound of music,
And as beautiful as you truly are,
So have a lovely day,
Wish you a very good morning for today!

A world filled with so many opportunities should never be able to make you feel disappointed. One closed door makes way for another one to open. Never lose hope. Good morning to you.