Today I wanted to make you smile
Today early on this day
Having so many things per say
Morning is lovely so are you
It makes up for all the things
Feel that vibe and energy too
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!
Other Popular Sweet Good Morning Messages
While one person looks at a cloudy day as gloomy and dull, another looks at it as a sign that soon they will be able to dance in the rain. It is a matter of perception that keeps us happy. Good morning to you. Have a positive day.
Mornings are so lovely,
Pleasant beginnings of a bright day,
Filled with new hopes and aspirations,
For a new feel of the day,
Wish you a very good morning!
May you see the great things that this day is offering you and may you learn to make the most out of them. Have a wonderful morning.
The lovely fragrance of flowers
The chirping of the birds
The sunshine that falls down
The morning glory and perk
Morning is special every day
So feel special early this day
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!
Embrace this new day with a smile on your face,
May you stay ahead of every race,
That life offers you for today,
Wish you a lovely morning this day,
Keep all through the day!
Never saw a smile as cute as yours. So get up now and make everyone around fall for your smile with every minute and every second. Good Morning and have a good day ahead. God bless you.
Good morning to the brightest soul
In my life, you play an important role
You are the source of happiness
A source which makes me smile
So have a great day ahead all the way and while
As morning sunshine will make the day bright for you
Have a lovely day too!