
Don't be sad when things go wrong
For there is light after the dark
Wait for your moment of being true
Wait for that one bright spark
Do not be sad if things aren't working,
They will one day for sure,
Just believe and follow your heart
You will surely reach that part
Good morning to you
For a day so new!

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Rise up because it's a new day,
Move ahead and have your say,
Time does not remain the same,
Destiny should not be blamed,
Because today is a new day,
Wish you have a lovely morning!

Opportunities in life are like the sunrise,
If you miss it,
You won't be able to see it again,
So, grab the right opportunity coming your way,
Good morning!

Early in the morning,
My only wish for you,
Is that you keep smiling forever in life,
May all the dreams come true,
Wishing a lovely morning to you,
Good morning!

Your hard work will never fail in life
You will surely get the result of your strive
Just believe in yourself and your strength
Believe that you have that confidence
To scale everything along
You will reach your way through,
To where you truly belong,
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning!

Don't lose heart if it is not right
Do not lose hope if things are not bright
You will surely reach your way
Awesome will be your each day
Just be patient to achieve it all
You will have a way to stand tall
Wishing you a lovely day,
Wishing you a very good morning
Stay blessed in life!

Every morning is a new day,
It's a new chapter of your life,
So start your day with a bright cheer,
And write the story of your life,
Good morning!

Think big and you will be there
What is one that makes you scared,
Let go of your fear to win
You will get where you want to in life
There may be a bit strive
But happiness is waiting for you
Wishing a very good morning to you!
Have a lovely day too!