I start my day with thanking the Lord
I start my day with his morning glory
And thank him for things he has given me
That makes me happy each day
With his kind grace
Wishing you a super Good Morning
Do have a blessed day!
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Today is a brand new day,
So I ask the Almighty to bless you
May you succeed in the task
May you have that glory and bask
This day shall be wonderful for you
May God bless you
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!
May Almighty bless your day
And keep you strong throughout
May Almighty stay with you
So that your day be great for you
Have a happy and blessed morning
Is my morning wish for you
Wishing you Good Morning
God bless you!
Early this day I am sending
Lots of good wishes and blessings
So that you stay blessed
And stay happy in whatever you do
Have a wonderful day today
Wishing you Good Morning
The love of the mighty kind
Will be there through the day!
God bless you in everything that you do
God bless you all along the way
May you have a super day
May you do things you like
So that you won't be deprived
May Almighty stay with you along
A very Good Morning to you
Have a great day!
There is a list of good things
That I have asked the Almighty
May he give you lots of success
May he keep you happy
May you don't have to strive
And, finally may you have
That loving smile early this day
Wishing you Good Morning
Stay blessed every way!
May the Lord guide you along
As this new day is about to begin
May the Lord bless you for
This morning and the day
Be thankful to him for everything
Thank him for things you have
As it's a blessed morning today
Wishing you Good Morning!
May Lord bless you this day,
With immense happiness
Lots of joy in your heart
Lots of things to make you a part
May you surrender to the good vibe
That will make your day awesome
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good Morning!