
A Thing that changes in all
When you know that it will
Have the thing to face everything
Have the will to show the world
With your glory and your will
Good Morning and have a nice day
Good Morning to you!

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Smile is so powerful,
That it has the ability to melt any heart
So, keep smiling and keep winning hearts!
Good Morning!

Morning is like a blank canvas of life,
Each day you have a new opportunity to paint it,
With your favorite colors, so fill in yours,
Wish you a lovely morning!

Attitude makes all the difference in life,
If you keep smiling,
Then people will talk to you,
If you keep crying,
Then they wouldn't,
So keep smiling!
Good Morning!

It is a wonderful morning I know
When you are there with me
Its wonderful morning I know
When you give me a reason to be
I have all my happiness
I have all my glee
With you being with me
Wishing you Good Morning!

Let not your heart be so attached to yesterday but do not forget what you it taught you. Never be disheartened for today as it is important to know how to make use of it without losing the sight of your goal. A very Good Morning to you. Have a great day ahead.

A smile is contagious. Keep spreading the disease all through your day. Good morning to you.

Another night has gone,
Another day is here,
Another day to get it right,
So let go of your fear,
Wish you a lovely morning!