Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.

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Your smile is more precious than all the treasures in the world.
I love the person I am when I am with you. You make me believe in myself.
You are my knight in the shinning armour . Your voice is like a ray of hope. You fill my life with all the rainbow colors. Boy, to me you are no less than an angel from heaven. I love you.
I just cannot stop thinking about you. You make my world so beautiful. You are perfect, just the way you are.
Success, happiness, wealth and health mean nothing without having you around to share it. I just want to say I love you to the most important part of my life - You!
You are no less than a blessing in disguise to me. I cherish every second I spend with you. I find myself loving you more everyday. You are the reason I am, I love you.
Hey my love, you mean the world to me. You make me feel loved and cherished. I love you.