Hey darling, do you know magic? Because I am completely under your spell. Love you, my love.

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I love the person I am when I am with you. You make me believe in myself.
No one understands me like you do. I’m so grateful that we’re together. I love you so much.
Our love is like a rose, blooming in spring. It keeps growing as time passes. It is everlasting like the sun. I cannot exist without you. I love you so much.
They say you only fall in love once, but that can’t be true. Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again.
If you asked me to wait for you, I'd wait until death. Because death in hope is better than a death with a broken heart. Be mine forever, my love, because I promise to love you forever.
I spent many days and months just dreaming of having you in my life.. Now that I have you, I think I am living a dream that I never want to come out of. You make life seem like a celebration every day. I love you.
I wrote your name on the sand and the ocean washed it away. I've written your name on my heart and I know forever it will stay.