I love the person I am when I am with you. You make me believe in myself.

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You are a certified rock star because you rock my world with your charm, sexiness and a warm and caring attitude. I love you!
When I think of you, I smile. When I smile, I think of you. You are my happiness and my every happiness comes from you. I love you.
I wrote your name on the sand and the ocean washed it away. I've written your name on my heart and I know forever it will stay.
I cherish every memory we’ve ever made together and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. I love you so much!
You are the most beautiful dream I'm living. You are everything I would ever want and ever need. I love you.
You are the best person I have seen all my life. I'm in love with you.
You are my knight in the shinning armour . Your voice is like a ray of hope. You fill my life with all the rainbow colors. Boy, to me you are no less than an angel from heaven. I love you.