
It's A Brand New Day

Leave back all your worries and troubles of yesterday,
Make yourself a silent promise to make today a better day.
Now my dear friend, a brand new day lays ahead of you,
Face it with pride, because it is a gift and is totally new.
May all your goals and ambitions for the day be set,
I wish you have an amazing day and a night without regrets.
Good morning buddy. Have a grand day!

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Its morning time

Knock Knock,
Did you get up from your sleep?
Sure, your sleep must be deep,
But, its morning time,
The time to cheer,
It is the start of another day,
So, in a very beautiful way,
Let me wish you a lovely morning,
Start your day with a new might,
And, things will just be all right,
Have a lovely day ahead,
Good morning!

The Nature Talking To Me

The birds are singing on the trees,
The big bright sun is smiling at me.
The breeze is asking me to come and play,
The dew drops are wishing me a good day.

A lovely day

What a lovely and bright day it is,
Look out and feel the air,
You would feel the air so fresh,
A ray of hope everywhere,
Coz new day brings in new light,
This makes your day a tad more bright,
Wish you a very good morning!
Have a nice day!

Feel the Freshness

Good morning my dear,
Have no stress or fear,
Look outside the window,
To feel the fresh air,
Start your day on a bright note,
With a peaceful morning prayer,
May you have a great day,
A very pleasant good morning for today!

Wish you a lovely day

Good morning,
A day full of joy and happiness,
Is my only wish for you!
May you smile all day,
May you get everything bright and new!
Focus on the good,
And forget about the bad,
Just keep your spirit high,
With taking a cue from the bright clear sky,
Wish you have a wonderful day,
Good morning!

Its the time to make a start

It's the time to make a new start
It's the time to start afresh
For all the things you want to do
To reduce all your stress
Morning is a time to cheer
so mark the most of it my dear
Its the time to set all task
Setting in things and in the bask
Morning is the time to smile
In the day and while!
Good morning to you!

Wish you a pleasant morning

It's time to start afresh,
As the day is so new,
Lovely blue sky,
And fresh morning dew,
Its time to start afresh,
As the new day unfolds,
To play your part with dedication,
To know your role,
Morning is good, as you can start new,
Good morning to you my dear,
You are among God's chosen few!