
Bright New Day

The bright new sun,
To welcome you
To a day full of fun,
And all the happiness,
That were dew.
The fresh new blossoms,
To make you smile.
Filling you all and leaving no room,
And loving you in the meanwhile.
Good morning!

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May You Wake Up

May you wake up to the sweet sound of the chirping birds,
May the morning sweet and fresh breeze hit your ears.
May you have someone you love, serve you morning tea.
May dreams come true,
and may nightmares stay under the bed sheet underneath!

New Morning

Every morning rings in a new day,
Every day rings in new hopes,
Every hope rings in new desires,
And every desire rings in a new life.
Every such thought renders a new feeling,
And a good feeling defines a newer YOU.
Good Morning!

Wake Up On Your Toes

Morning bells are ringing,
Have you heard it yet? Come on stop lazing,
And,get down from the bed,
A new day awaits you,
With opportunities so new,
So start your day with a morning pray,
To have a bright and cheerful day! Good morning!

The sun that shines

The radiance of the sun,
The spark of this day so new,
Wish I could feel this way all through,
Because everything looks true,
The day is so good today,
Wish it stays this way,
Wish you a lovely morning my dear,
Smile and also spread that cheer!
Good morning!

The Morning Sun

The morning sun brings about new hope for today,
It is a promise that troubles are washed away with yesterday.
Today is a brand new day so make the most of it,
Live as if it were your last and enjoy every minute.
For every single day is a gift from God up in heaven,
Waste it, and you'll only be pleasing the devil.
Good Morning!

A Brand New Day

Leave back all your troubles of yesterday,
Look, God has sent a brand new day your way!
So enjoy it to the fullest and be happy all the while,
Make others happy too as and when you get the time.

Wish you a lovely day

Good morning,
A day full of joy and happiness,
Is my only wish for you!
May you smile all day,
May you get everything bright and new!
Focus on the good,
And forget about the bad,
Just keep your spirit high,
With taking a cue from the bright clear sky,
Wish you have a wonderful day,
Good morning!