Good Day for You
The beautiful morning signifies a new day,
To shower you with happiness along the way.
Hope sunshine wipes your worries away,
And lets you in pleasure sway.
As the sun's rays break through your home,
A ray of new hope and bliss begins to foam.
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Wish you a lovely day
Good morning,
A day full of joy and happiness,
Is my only wish for you!
May you smile all day,
May you get everything bright and new!
Focus on the good,
And forget about the bad,
Just keep your spirit high,
With taking a cue from the bright clear sky,
Wish you have a wonderful day,
Good morning!
A Brand New Day
Leave back all your troubles of yesterday,
Look, God has sent a brand new day your way!
So enjoy it to the fullest and be happy all the while,
Make others happy too as and when you get the time.
A chirpy morning
What a chirpy morning it is,
What an awesome day,
So thought of wishing you my friend
Coz it's a wonderful feeling today,
Make the most of this day
Is my only prayer for you!
May you stay happy and you get all new,
Wish you a good morning!
Hope of the day
A new day is here,
And a new quest,
There are new dreams in the eyes,
Hoping for it to be filled with wise,
The path is far, but the spirit is there,
As the sunshine will brighten up the day,
It's a new day, a new way,
So, have a lovely day today!
Good morning!
Fresh morning
The freshness in the air,
That first Morning Prayer,
The breezy air on the face,
Another new chase,
As you look out of the window,
You feel the dew,
Everything is special this day,
Everything is new,
It is a special wish from me to you,
Have a lovely morning!
It's A Brand New Day
Leave back all your worries and troubles of yesterday,
Make yourself a silent promise to make today a better day.
Now my dear friend, a brand new day lays ahead of you,
Face it with pride, because it is a gift and is totally new.
May all your goals and ambitions for the day be set,
I wish you have an amazing day and a night without regrets.
Good morning buddy. Have a grand day!
Get up and look outside the window
Get up and look outside the window,
Such a beautiful morning it is,
Feel the lovely breeze on the face,
Feel the hue and fizz,
Good morning as I wish you today my dear,
To start your day with a brightest cheer,
Good morning!