
Open your eyes, look at the watch, have a view outside the window and thank God for another bright day to achieve those ends that were left unattained last day. Have a wonderful day ahead. Good Morning.

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Be thankful to the morning,
And every day so new,
You may not have a clue,
But it gives you each day,
A beginning so new,
A very good morning to you,
Have a nice day!

Attitude makes all the difference in life,
If you keep smiling,
Then people will talk to you,
If you keep crying,
Then they wouldn't,
So keep smiling!
Good Morning!

Ah, it is such a pretty day
Look out from your window today
Feel the fresh air and be all
Good in whatever you do
This day will be bright and
This day will be wonderful for you
Good Morning and have a lovely day
May God bless you!

Things can't be changed in time
But if you make it all prime
Have that determination to excel through
Your day will all be so new
Go beyond things that matter to you
As you start another day with a smile
Good Morning to you
Have a super day ahead!

Morning by itself signifies a new beginning. So this morning start by forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you made yesterday and look forward to a promising day that lies ahead of you. Have a good morning!

Go out and spread your cheer, joy and love to all those around. Fulfill this day with their smiles and your satisfaction. Good Morning and have a beautiful day ahead.

Like yesterday, make today another wonderful day. Good Morning and have a great day ahead.