Your one smile can melt even a stone, your hard work can make any impossible thing become possible. Have trust in yourself and faith in God. Good Morning and have a successful day ahead.
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Morning is more radiant
When I see your lovely face
It is more radiant
With that super loving grace
Morning is lovely when you
Have that pretty smile
So happy morning to you oh dear
For being so lovely all the way,
Good Morning for today!
This morning I wish you a day filled with brightness and love. May you have a day filled with heaps of love, blessings, joy and peace.
Morning is like a blank canvas of life,
Each day you have a new opportunity to paint it,
With your favorite colors, so fill in yours,
Wish you a lovely morning!
Do not complain what you can't have
Be happy with what you get
Life gives you happiness all the way
Wait it might be your turn today
Have a pleasing day is my wish for you
Have a lovely day too
Wishing a good morning to you!
Morning tip: There cannot be a better exercise in the morning then starting off with a big broad smile. Good morning to you.
The big bright sun is here to give you a tight warm hug and lots of blessings to start your day with new hopes. Good Morning. Have a wonderful day ahead.
3 steps to have a great morning, open your eyes, take a deep breath and go back to sleep. Good Morning.