Never saw a smile as cute as yours. So get up now and make everyone around fall for your smile with every minute and every second. Good Morning and have a good day ahead. God bless you.
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May the risen morning sun bring light into your life and into everyone's life around you. Good morning. Have a happy day.
Everyday with you is amazing. Thank you for being the reason I wake up with a smile every morning. Good morning my lovely!
Working out is a great mood changer. Try it out this morning. Good morning to you. Have a nice day.
While one person looks at a cloudy day as gloomy and dull, another looks at it as a sign that soon they will be able to dance in the rain. It is a matter of perception that keeps us happy. Good morning to you. Have a positive day.
Each morning is like a new day
It brings out the best in you
It's like a message that is for you
That may all your dreams be fulfilled
May you feel pretty and new
Just like the first dew
Good morning to you
Have a blessed day too!
I can tolerate a bed without a pillow, bread without jam, tea without sugar or even coffee without cream, but not a day without you in it. Good morning!
Morning is a lovely opportunity to forget all the things that went wrong yesterday and to give yourself a brand new chance on this new day. Good morning my dear.