Life can be whatever you want to make it. So let it now be a blessing and an achievement with every step you take. Good Morning and have a goody-goody day ahead. God bless you.
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Years from now, you will wish that you started today. Don't wait for tomorrow, today is the day to work towards something you want tomorrow. Good morning.
Good morning to the brightest soul
In my life, you play an important role
You are the source of happiness
A source which makes me smile
So have a great day ahead all the way and while
As morning sunshine will make the day bright for you
Have a lovely day too!
When I need inspiration to start my day
I just look at your picture
When I need to smile to begin my day
I look at your cute messages
When I need to begin my day
I just talk to you
So, my day is incomplete without wishing you
Good morning to you!
Every day brings in sometime new
So you must look forward to things you want to do
Don't think about the day that went
Today there is so much time for you
Mornings bring in the new energy
Just like the rising sun
Wishing you a lovely morning
Wishing you good morning!
The night is gone with a change
Making way for a wonderful morning
The night is gone and now its
Morning time oh my dear
A time when you can do so much
A time to spread all the cheer
It's a lovely morning time
Wishing you good morning!
Morning fun starts with a smile
When you experience it all the while
It starts with aspirations in your heart
For that one perfect start
So have a lovely perfect morning today
Look it's a lovely day
Wishing you good morning for today!
Will power will take you higher
Your good deeds will do you good
When you start your day with a smile
You have reasons to be happy all the while
Happiness is what I seek for you
Today on this day so new
Wishing you Good Morning!