
Under the big sun is a tiny me who wants to wish a sweet you a very happy morning. Have a cute sweet day ahead.

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I just want to wish you good morning,
On this lovely day so bright,
I miss you and how my dear,
Wish you were so near,
Have a lovely day,
Good morning!

Morning becomes all the more beautiful,
With one smile of yours,
So I assume reading my message,
You have smiled at me,
Thanks for giving me that glee,
Good morning baby!

Get up from that bed my dear,
It's the time to let go of the fear,
Night is over with the dark,
Day has started with a bright spark,
A very good morning to you!

The lovely rays that appear and light,
Oh! What a lovely pleasant sight,
Mornings are the thing to cheer,
A very good morning my dear,
Have a nice day!

A very good morning to the most,
To the most,
Yes I mean it to the most,
Lazy person I have ever seen,
Good morning!

It is morning everybody. So stop acting dead and be alive this morning. Have a kick ass day!

Get up and look outside the window,
Can you see the flowers?
Can you see the bright sky?
Ok, also see your clock,
Coz you are getting late,
Good morning!