
You already know that is going to be a freaky day when you wake up in the morning, stand in front of the mirror and life throws two choices at you for the day-Halo or Horns? *Winks* Have a good morning.

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Eenie, Minie, and Ponkie are waiting to hug you tight and wish you a great day ahead with lots of smiles, love, cheers and success. Good Morning cutie.

Remove your blanket, get up from your bed, brush your teeth and now say eeeeee... Good!! Now check out the world outside so flamboyant and colorful. Good Morning and have a beautiful day ahead.

Get up from that bed my dear,
It's the time to let go of the fear,
Night is over with the dark,
Day has started with a bright spark,
A very good morning to you!

You know I got up smiling this morning,
You know the reason why,
It's because you came in my dreams,
It's because I don't have to try,
Loving you, you are always with me,
Wish you a lovely morning!

Morning becomes all the more beautiful,
With one smile of yours,
So I assume reading my message,
You have smiled at me,
Thanks for giving me that glee,
Good morning baby!

Wake up, wake up,
As morning is here,
Get going as the day is about to begin,
So why don't you just sing,
Good morning,
Have a bright day!

You know sun wouldn't be yellow,
As sky wouldn't be blue,
If I wished you good morning,
Without disturbing you,
Wish you a lovely morning!