
A perfect good morning has to be a mixture of a perfect coffee and breakfast in bed. And yet no compulsion to wake up too! Good morning to you. Have a nice day.

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A sweet morning wish is like you,
That makes me feel oh so new,
Early in the morning I was thinking about you,
So, here is wishing you,
Have a lovely morning!

All the birds are up by now and all the people are already working then why are you still in bed? Start your day fast with a big smile. Good Morning and have a nice day.

I am thinking about you this morning,
May you have a good day,
Keep smiling my dear.
Is only I wish to say,
Good morning to you!

My morning is incomplete,
Till I wish you honey,
You are the string that plays music in my heart,
No, that is not funny!
Ok, wish you a very good morning!

Good morning everyone. Get out of your beds and get ready to enter into the beautiful thing called "day". Have a lovely day.

Oh what a lovely morning it is,
Oh what a lovely day,
Just stick to that smile of yours,
Today and every day,
Wish you have an awesome day,
Good morning!

So many colors of life were left untouched yesterday. Now today is the right time to grab them all in your life. Get up and get going. Good Morning and have a colorful day ahead.