A new day
There is nothing left now,
As it's a new day today,
All the things of night are away,
Everything just faded in dark,
Today is a new start with a new spark,
Birds are singing in their tone,
Some things known and some unknown,
Will have to find a new way,
As it's another day,
Good morning!
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Each morning for me
Each morning reminds me
Of the lovely creation of Lord
With the sunlight passing by
With the clear blue lovely sky
There is something to cheer for sure
There is something around
Each morning has a pleasant vibe
Of the cheerfulness that surrounds
Good morning to you!
It is easy to let go of things
It's easy to let go of things in life
Its east to come out of strive
It's easy to do things you like
Be the change you want to be
Live your life with a new zest
Think about the days to come
If life gives you reasons to impress
A wonderful time is waiting for you
For that reason in the new
Good morning to you my friend
Do the things you wish to do
Wishing a lovely day to you
Keep smiling all through!
A beautiful day
A beautiful sunrise and a new day,
Where you can have your say,
Take this day as a start,
Of another bright day,
Wish you have a lovely morning,
Wish you have a lovely day,
Good morning for today!
Pray for a Good Morning
Saying good morning is the best way,
To begin a hopeful and beautiful day.
A silent prayer for a day so good,
Asking the Lord to bless your day as He would.
Every day of happiness and health
Is the world's greatest wealth.
The sun that shines so bright
The birds there up the sky,
Looking lovely flying high,
The sun that shines so bright,
Makes you forget that fright,
Because new day brings in a lot,
So, start with a positive thought,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Good morning!
Hope of the day
A new day is here,
And a new quest,
There are new dreams in the eyes,
Hoping for it to be filled with wise,
The path is far, but the spirit is there,
As the sunshine will brighten up the day,
It's a new day, a new way,
So, have a lovely day today!
Good morning!
Rise and shine
Rise and shine on this new day today,
Make the most of this day,
New hopes and new approach,
Stay firm and have your say,
As I wish a very good morning to you,
A very good morning today!