
A new day

There is nothing left now,
As it's a new day today,
All the things of night are away,
Everything just faded in dark,
Today is a new start with a new spark,
Birds are singing in their tone,
Some things known and some unknown,
Will have to find a new way,
As it's another day,
Good morning!

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If you dream big you will achieve big

If you dream big you will aim higher
If you aim higher you will reach your goal
If you reach your goal, you will be content
Content reaching a position that you intent
Happiness will always remain in your stride
You will never ever feel deprived
Think about all the things in life
Which you always wanted but in spite
You did not get those
So start your day with a smile
Start your day with a positive dose
Live your life and dream along
A wonderful time is waiting for you
Good morning to you!

Start your day with

Start your day with some happy thoughts in mind,
So that your day goes well,
Don't fear the shadows of yesterday and dwell,
Because new day is for you,
It is all pleasant and new,
So embrace it with a smile on your face,
And you would each ahead in this race,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Have a nice day!

Each morning is new

Every morning brings in new energy for the day,
To get more smiles for the day,
Mornings are a lot about to cheer,
So, let go of that unknown fear,
Embrace the day with a smile on your face,
Accept everything with a grace,
Have a lovely morning,
Good morning!

Rise and Shine

The lovely cuckoo sings the most beautiful song,
Waking up for its voice is where I always belong.
My day does not begin without walking past the grass,
That smell so nice and feel so soft.
Mornings are the best part of the day,
When your mind and body are the freshest to play.

You don't have many

You don't have many choices,
You don't have all the day
You have to make a start
You have to have a say
So today when you get up
Thinking about your day
You have to make it special
You have to work your way
Wishing you a super morning!
Have a nice day!

The birds that sing

The birds sing in the morning,
To pep up your day and make you feel so good,
The clear blue skies and the wind,
I wish I could,
Just come to you and hug you tight,
Then you would feel all bright,
For now, good morning wish from me,
May you be able to see,
All the wonderful glee,
Good morning to you!

Enjoy The Sunshine

Morning brings a new freshness,
In thoughts,
In actions,
In things to do,
It feels like everything is so pleasant and new,
My good morning wishes for you,
Even if you have no clue,
May you have the brightest day,
Good morning and have a nice day!