
Morning light

When the first morning light, Comes to brighten the life,
There are many thoughts that ponder in mind,
There are many reasons to find,
Mornings give us the clue,
That everything is pleasant and new,
You just need to find a way,
You just need to do,
Wishing you a lovely morning,
A wish from me to you,
Good morning!

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Its the time to make a start

It's the time to make a new start
It's the time to start afresh
For all the things you want to do
To reduce all your stress
Morning is a time to cheer
so mark the most of it my dear
Its the time to set all task
Setting in things and in the bask
Morning is the time to smile
In the day and while!
Good morning to you!

The Big Bright Sun

I woke up in the morning with
the brightness of the sun on my face,
I glanced at my watch and to my bathroom
I did the race,
For mornings are meant to hurry,
mornings are meant to run,
They don't even grant you a moment
to sit back and admire the beautiful sun.
Don't let your morning be like this
try to make it a special one,
For not every morning will you get a chance to wake up to the big bright sun.

Hope of the day

A new day is here,
And a new quest,
There are new dreams in the eyes,
Hoping for it to be filled with wise,
The path is far, but the spirit is there,
As the sunshine will brighten up the day,
It's a new day, a new way,
So, have a lovely day today!
Good morning!

Another day has come

Another day has come,
With giving you a new hope,
Another day has come,
With giving you a new scope,
Plan ahead and make your day,
Get going to have your say,
This day will be good for you,
Is my only prayer,
Good morning!

Life is too short you know

Life is short and you know it right
So make the most of this morning bright
Sip your tea and mark your plan
It will be easy to understand
Of all the things that you need to do
Many tasks and some quite few
Morning is the time to decide
What you really need to do!
Wishing a good morning to you!
Have a lovely day oh new!

Make a wish on this lovely day

Make a wish on this lovely morning
There is a charming glory in the air
You feel so fresh all through the day
You know you would simply make a way
Morning cheer peps you up
Like the chirping of the birds
When the sun sparkles through so bright
Makes the things alright
Morning is fun you must know
When you have that energy to show
So for that perfect start of the day
Smile all through today
Because it's a lovely morning to say!

The sun that is bright

The sun is shining all bright and new,
There is something fresh in the dew,
Something which states the feeling of the heart,
For getting that perfect start,
For the day so bright and new,
Get up and get going for today,
Coz it's just another wonderful day,
Good morning to you!