
Bright spark in morning

Cuckoo singing at the bay,
Wind flowing all the way,
The bright spark on your face,
Get up now to run the race,
Mornings are to cheer up and light,
Mornings are to feel all bright,
As we get ready for another fight,
Mornings are to think positive about life,
With new energy to strive,
A very bright and lovely morning to you!

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Morning brings in a new light

Morning brings in a new glory
When your heart speaks in matters to say
There is a feeling so vibrant in the air
Everything feels so fresh per say
It's a start of another awesome day
Start of new dreams for that day
Morning time is such a pleasant time
You feel really good like sound of chime
The spark of that morning sun
Feel the fresh air and the fun
Today is a new start for you
Just like that pleasant dew
Morning is truly wonderful
Embrace it your way with smile
Wishing you a lovely morning!

It's A Brand New Day

Leave back all your worries and troubles of yesterday,
Make yourself a silent promise to make today a better day.
Now my dear friend, a brand new day lays ahead of you,
Face it with pride, because it is a gift and is totally new.
May all your goals and ambitions for the day be set,
I wish you have an amazing day and a night without regrets.
Good morning buddy. Have a grand day!

The sheer sunlight

The sheer sunlight on your face
The morning glory so new
Face the world with your charm
For it's the first morning dew
Make it special with your smile
All the day and all the while
Feel the freshness in the air
It's in your house and everywhere
Good morning to you!
Have a lovely day!

Bright New Day

The bright new sun,
To welcome you
To a day full of fun,
And all the happiness,
That were dew.
The fresh new blossoms,
To make you smile.
Filling you all and leaving no room,
And loving you in the meanwhile.
Good morning!

Fresh Morning

When the first rays of the sun barge into your room,
And you get to see the tiny dewdrops on flowers that bloom.
You know the day is fresh and new,
Giving you all that is for that day due.
Savour in the freshness of the morning,
Else it may not be much time before you get longing.
Good Morning!

The Nature Talking To Me

The birds are singing on the trees,
The big bright sun is smiling at me.
The breeze is asking me to come and play,
The dew drops are wishing me a good day.

The sun that shines so bright

The birds there up the sky,
Looking lovely flying high,
The sun that shines so bright,
Makes you forget that fright,
Because new day brings in a lot,
So, start with a positive thought,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Good morning!