Morning cheer
Sweet seems the morning glory,
Sweet seems the sunlight,
Sweet seems the clear blue sky,
Sweet seems the day so bright,
So make your thoughts sweet,
As you start another day,
If you have the will you can,
So start with a pray,
As I wish you have a lovely day,
A very good morning for today!
Other Popular Good Morning Poems
The Big Bright Sun Shines
The big bright sun shines through the grey clouds,
It makes me so happy that I wanna sing & shout.
The birds in the sky grant a sweet melody to my ears,
They make me forget all my problems and fears.
May this morning bring happiness to you as well,
May good news come to you today ringing your door bell.
Good morning!
Wish you a pleasant morning
It's time to start afresh,
As the day is so new,
Lovely blue sky,
And fresh morning dew,
Its time to start afresh,
As the new day unfolds,
To play your part with dedication,
To know your role,
Morning is good, as you can start new,
Good morning to you my dear,
You are among God's chosen few!
It is easy to let go of things
It's easy to let go of things in life
Its east to come out of strive
It's easy to do things you like
Be the change you want to be
Live your life with a new zest
Think about the days to come
If life gives you reasons to impress
A wonderful time is waiting for you
For that reason in the new
Good morning to you my friend
Do the things you wish to do
Wishing a lovely day to you
Keep smiling all through!
Give yourself a break in life
Give yourself a break in life
You deserve to take a lot more
Give yourself some respite
By walking through the morning chore
Make a list of things you will do
Make a lot of things in hew
Feel good as it's just the start
Feel good as you have chance ahead
Morning is such a great time
Morning time brings in a new cheer
Morning time is really bright
Makes you feel so awesome and right
Wishing you a lovely morning!
Enjoy The Sunshine
Morning brings a new freshness,
In thoughts,
In actions,
In things to do,
It feels like everything is so pleasant and new,
My good morning wishes for you,
Even if you have no clue,
May you have the brightest day,
Good morning and have a nice day!
It is truly special
Mornings are special,
As they bring in a new cheer in life,
Every which way and every strive,
Mornings are just perfect way
To do what you wish for or say
Mornings give a new cheer
So that you feel good oh dear
So embrace this morning with a smile
All the day and while
Have a lovely day!
Good morning!
Its morning time
Knock Knock,
Did you get up from your sleep?
Sure, your sleep must be deep,
But, its morning time,
The time to cheer,
It is the start of another day,
So, in a very beautiful way,
Let me wish you a lovely morning,
Start your day with a new might,
And, things will just be all right,
Have a lovely day ahead,
Good morning!