Every morning is a new day. But for me, you will always be brand as new. You are truly wonderful and deserve the best in life. Have a beautiful day.
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If all you do is worry, complain and whine about what other say, you are clearly killing any chances you have for a lovely day. So always surround yourself with people to add to your joys, not your sorrows. Good morning to you.
The sky seems so clear today
There is brightness in the air
Morning glory speaks for itself
Morning spark changes it all
Stand up and get ready
Today you ought to stand tall
For a lovely day is waiting for you
Good morning to you!
Each morning is like a new day
It brings out the best in you
It's like a message that is for you
That may all your dreams be fulfilled
May you feel pretty and new
Just like the first dew
Good morning to you
Have a blessed day too!
Never saw a smile as cute as yours. So get up now and make everyone around fall for your smile with every minute and every second. Good Morning and have a good day ahead. God bless you.
Look the cuckoo is singing
Look the morning sun is here
Be all bright and happy
Let go of all the fear
You know things will be fine
As it's a bright morning today
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!
A day begun well always ends well. So kick start your day with a smile. Have a fantastic day.
The lovely fragrance of flowers
The chirping of the birds
The sunshine that falls down
The morning glory and perk
Morning is special every day
So feel special early this day
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!