
Each morning is new

Every morning brings in new energy for the day,
To get more smiles for the day,
Mornings are a lot about to cheer,
So, let go of that unknown fear,
Embrace the day with a smile on your face,
Accept everything with a grace,
Have a lovely morning,
Good morning!

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Get up, its time

A very good morning to you,
Still in your bed, rubbing your eyes,
I thought you were all wise,
Get up and get going my friend,
Sun and coffee make a perfect blend,
For you to get active for the day,
So, be positive and make your way,
Do your best and have your say,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Good morning!

Time To Wake Up

It is time to wake up cause morning is here,
It is time to add to the day's happiness and cheer.
May you pass on joy to all who you met,
To all may you utter words that are kind and sweet.

It's a new journey

Morning is like a journey,
That takes you far and how,
You have many options on your way,
Through happiness and the day,
Explore the best you desire,
And reach for that star and higher,
Wish you a lovely morning!
Have a great day!

Hey morning is as fresh as you are

Hey good morning is my wish for today
May you have a pretty pleasant day
May you keep smiling the while
Do things that you want to do in life
May you never have to strive
Morning brings in a new energy
It brings in a new charm to say
Makes way for things you want per say
Morning is truly special my friend
It will bring in a lot my dear
So have a nice day with cheer
Wishing you a lovely morning dear
Good morning to you!

Dew-kissed Morning

A bright morning is always a blessing,
It can be sunny or can be cloudy,
But,it stands for new hopes each day,
Where you can do so much and have your say,
So wish you a wonderful morning so new,
Just like the fresh morning dew!

Darkness Has Long Gone

The darkness has long gone,
The day is singing you a welcome song.
A brand new day awaits your welcome,
So wake up soon before time runs.

The day has just started

The day has just begun,
With positive vibes and fun,
So smile and embrace the same,
Reach out to your aim,
Because each day gives a fair chance to play,
So, go ahead and have a nice day,
Good morning to you,
For everything relaxed and new!