
Life is not about the past,
Life is not about the future,
Life is about the present,
Life is about today,
So have a nice day,
Good morning!

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Just a thought to start your day,
Love your life you live,
And, live the life that you love all the way,
So, keep smiling and spread the cheer,
Wish you a lovely morning my dear!

When there is darkness all around,
When there is, love not surround,
Believe in the power of your prayer
Believe in the power of God,
For Almighty will show you the way
Brightened will be your each day
Just stay happy in life
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!

Hey get up, because it's a lovely day,
Go ahead and have your say,
All the things are waiting for you,
You just have to choose your way,
Have a lovely morning,
Wish you a very good morning!

Each thing starts with a reason
Nothing changes in whale of time
Nothing can really change with season
If you have the right balance of mind
You can face challenge of any kind
So are you ready to face that today
Look, today is a brand new day
Wishing you good morning!

Opportunities in life are like the sunrise,
If you miss it,
You won't be able to see it again,
So, grab the right opportunity coming your way,
Good morning!

Morning cheer brings in a new energy
When you feel so vibrant and lovely
There are new ways to do things
New horizons to see in the day
Stay positive and I wish that
You may have a lovely day
Yes a lovely morning today
Wishing you a lovely morning..Good morning!

Make a wish and go ahead
Morning is the time to move with the flow
Things will be easy if you know
Where is your way and where you want to go
Sip that hot cup of tea
And many pleasant things you shall see
As it's another new day!
Wish you a very good morning for today!