
When your mind is weak,
Just tell your mind to be strong and have hope,
Because hope says that hold on and pain ends,
Good morning!

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Each day is new and aspirations are new
New desires to scale new heights
So get on with your way my friend
Don't be afraid or don't you fright
Life will be tough each day
But you will have the power to stay
If you have that confidence within you
So wishing you a lovely morning
Wishing you good morning!

Each day is new,
Each day is raw,
Forget what you did or saw,
Because new day brings new cheer,
A very good morning to you my dear,
Have a nice day!

Life is truly a gift,
You don't know what is in store each morning,
Accept whatever you get with love,
Because that is written in your destiny,
That is life's only melody,
So, wish you a lovely morning!

When there is darkness all around,
When there is, love not surround,
Believe in the power of your prayer
Believe in the power of God,
For Almighty will show you the way
Brightened will be your each day
Just stay happy in life
Wishing you a lovely morning
Good morning to you!

A day has just begun for you
You need to smile all through
Don't think what happened yesterday
Coz today is a brand new day
Make the most of your day today
Wishing a very good morning to you!
Feel all new this day!

Don't start your day with thinking about the past,
The present is here,
And the future is waiting,
So think positive,
Have a lovely day,
Good morning!

Each morning is new,
It signifies a meaning to you,
That your purpose of life is left,
So, forget all that is deft,
So, that you smile and continue,
Have a lovely day ahead,
Good morning to you!