People will try to break you,
People will in all hate you,
But, you must stand tall in life,
That is how you will survive!
Good morning!
Other Popular Inspirational Good Morning Messages
If you wait for a perfect day,
You won't ever be able to have your say,
So, make this day a perfect start,
Go bang on the dart,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Good morning!
Do you know that over thinking causes negativity in your life?
So early in the morning, start your day with one positive thought,
And, things would become easier to sought,
Wish you have a lovely morning!
Each day brings in new lights and hopes.
Face each day with a courageous and faithful zeal.
Never lose your determination and focus in life,
and you shall achieve greatness.
Each morning look up to the sun and scream out,
"It is my day, today".
Stay happy this new day,
Stay happy and have your day,
This day is new, so brighten up,
This day is new, so cheer up!
For you my dear,
Good morning!
It's a new day,
There should be new determination,
A new desire,
And a new will,
To succeed this day,
Good morning and have a nice day!
Every dream you see, is just a challenge for you to make come true. If you want it bad enough, you surely can try bad enough to turn all your dreams into reality. Good morning to you dear.
Hey! Even the sun takes time to rise early in the morning,
Keeps your hope going,
You will definitely reach your way one day,
Because I count you in my pray,
Stay blessed as always,
Good morning!