
Dreams gives you two choices,
Either you forget it,
Or you go ahead and work on it,
So, plan your day ahead,
And have a good day,
Good morning to you!

Other Popular Inspirational Good Morning Messages


Happiness is only a state of mind,
If you are happy in the mind,
It will reflect on your face,
So stay happy,
Good morning!

When the moons goes off to sleep and the sun begins to shine, it symbolizes God's love for us that he's given us another day to celebrate. Let us make the most out of it.

Don't you ever say lies in life!
And please don't ever cheat,
And, don't ever make false claims,
That you won't be able to meet,
So, stay as you really are,
Good morning to you!

When you set your heart on something, make sure that you set your mind too on achieving it. You owe that to yourself. Good morning.

Smile, because the day is new,
Smile, and don't feel the blue,
The new day is already here to stay,
Give your best shot today,
Come what may,
Good morning,
Have a lovely day!

Life is a new opportunity every day,
You have to go out there and make your way,
So smile at start of this new day,
Good morning to you!

When all the doors close, a window opens. When it is completely dark, the sun shows up. When the sky is filled with clouds, a rainbow appears. When you make your mind that you have tried everything possible and nothing can be done, take one of step ahead. A solution might be just awaiting you. Have a good morning. A great day lies ahead of you.